Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.

Relationships & Behaviour Regulation

The School expects pupils, parents, staff and governors (the school community) to work together to achieve a calm and orderly school environment based on mutual respect and trust with high standards of work and behaviour.

Our BRILLIANT expectations underpin our practice and our restorative approach to behaviour management which is centered around positive, caring and respectful relationships.

We believe that:

1. Individuals have the right to feel safe, secure, valued, included, happy and reach their potential.

2. Individuals have a responsibility towards themselves, each other and the school community.

3. Discipline should encourage that responsibility by providing a consistent, fair and reassuring framework within which all members of the school community can work.

4. Each member of the school community will be accorded the same rights, responsibilities and opportunities regardless of race, religion, sex or class.

Banks Road Infant and Nursery School seeks to create an environment in which effective teaching and learning can take place. The crucial element of building and sustaining this learning climate is based on respect, and all of the principles of this policy are also based on respect.

1. Respect for self and others

2. Respect for the learning environment

3. Respect for the learning community

4. To strive to become an organisation that has a fully operational restorative practice model.


Our BRILLIANT expectations are high and boundaries are clear.

Good behaviour means that everyone in school is:

 • Caring and kind.

 • Polite and friendly

 • Helpful to each other

 • Calm and hardworking


Our school is committed to the emotional mental health and well-being of its staff, pupils, and parents/carers. We wish to work towards this in all aspects of school life, and to provide an ethos, environment and curriculum that supports the social, emotional and mental health of the whole school community.