Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.

Learning in Year 2

 Home Learning Challenge -
Autumn 1
This half term we are learning about changes within living memory, events beyond living memory and the lives of significant individuals in History. We are also focusing on the importance of belonging. We would like to ask the children to create a Family History Box with their adults that represents them and their family. This will be shared with the class to show the importance of the past and to celebrate children's heritage and diversity. 
Autumn 2
This half term we are continuing to build on our History skills and knowledge. We have talked a lot in school about different historical sources. The children have been challenged to find our about toys and games in the past from a source they know very well - you! We would like the children to create a video/poster/piece of writing about toys you liked playing with when you were young. As an extra challenge they could think about how they are different from their toys today and why. Happy playing!

Spring 1
This half-term our theme is all about heroes!
We would like to ask children to research a historical figure who lived in the past and the impact they have had. Perhaps you can find out why they are a hero or what impact they have made and what their legacy is. Examples could be: Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale. David Attenborough. Neil Armstrong. Marcus Rashford Etc. This could be presented as a poster, fact file, piece of writing or a video upload talking about the hero on dojo.

Spring 2
Our Spring 2 challenge is – How can you make the world a better place? We focus heavily on Geography and Science this half term and look at inspirational people such as David Attenborough who has helped to make the world a better place. Set yourself a challenge to make your local environment better and do it for the whole half term. It could be litter picking, turning lights off when rooms are empty, recycling rubbish. We would love to see your photos on Class Dojo and we will be sharing them with each other on the last week of term. You may also want to create a poster or upload video to Class Dojo.
Our learning this term
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