Computing curriculum Intent
We would like our children to be confident in exploring technology, and to be equipped in becoming active participants in the digital world. We want the children to appreciate how technology impacts their learning and understand how to stay safe and responsible online. Our computing curriculum is designed to provide children with a good understanding of how simple technology works while building their computational thinking skills through a well-established scheme. Each year group will follow the progression of skills to ensure clear steps in learning, the teachers will plan for technology to be used in a range of lessons to give children the opportunity to use their skills in different contexts. We teach our children how to problem solve, programme, think logically and create content and value the importance of e-safety.
As a school we recognise the role that families have in supporting children’s understanding of e-safety and encourage families to know the importance of this.
We acknowledge that our children in the local community have varying experiences with technology in their home life.
Planning for computing is guided by the progression of skills document, taken from Teach Computing, this is accessed by the teaching staff to plan sequential learning. We ensure computing is cross curricular to ensure children have opportunity to revisit learning.
In Foundation stage computing is accessed through continuous provision and through adult led activities. Children have access to the interactive whiteboards, Robot mouse, cause and effect toys, making and playing games and laptops. There is also a big focus on developing children’s communication, particularly to be able to follow instructions.
Key stage 1 builds upon the skills learnt in Foundation stage. We teach the direct skills in units and the children have the opportunity to revisit the skills in other curriculum areas to embed the knowledge learnt. Key stage 1 use laptops to purposefully organise, store and retrieve digital content as well as Bee-Bots to understand algorithms.
E-safety is taught and revisited frequently throughout the year and children take part in e-safety days and assemblies. To engage the parents with e-safety we communicate through Class Dojo, newsletters, website information and regularly share the assemblies we have shared with the children.
Children will explore technology and understand how to use it et effectively and efficiently. Children’s knowledge and skills will progressively develop as they enter each key stage. This will help prepare them to become active participants in the world beyond them and in their future. The children feel confident in using technology to enhance and support their learning, they use technology across all of the curriculum areas as a means of recording work, researching work and showcasing work.
The children have developed a good understanding of e-safety and how to stay responsible online.