Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.

Forest School

Forest School Curriculum Intent

The purpose of Forest School at our Infant and Nursery School is to provide all children the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively in our outdoor environment. Through carefully planned activities children are encouraged to problem solve, work collaboratively, take risks and develop confidence within themselves. We intend to captivate children’s curious minds by fostering a cross curricular approach to teaching where we incorporate and include core and foundation subjects in our Forest School sessions. to develop knowledge, understanding, awe and wonder.

The multi-sensory and enabling environment of Forest School holistically supports children with SEND. We believe all children are inclusive of the same curriculum and should have equal opportunities to explore, discover and learn.



To achieve our intent, we carefully plan Forest School into our timetable across EYFS and KS1. Teachers know the importance and positive impact the Forest School sessions have on children’s personal development. We also use our Forest School sessions to creatively enhance our curriculum. Teachers compliment curriculum topics and subjects with tactile, first- hand experiences in the outdoors. Teachers at  our school lead by example, observing child-initiated learning and enable further development through high-quality interactions to progress knowledge and skills.

Forest School sessions are available to all children. Teachers use quality first teaching and adapt sessions to decrease sensitivity and barriers to learning and ensure children with SEND are supported. Forest school resources also facilitate learning, support sensory development and skills such as fine motor.



Children enjoy Forest School across all Key Stages with enthusiasm and passion. Children understand why Forest Schools is important and take responsibility for their own child-led learning. Children are captivated when outdoors which is evident within lessons and learning walks. Children are absorbed in learning,  build positive relationships with peers and problem solve. The experiences provided by being outdoors also promotes communication, language, as well as fine and gross motor skills. All skills that children acquire enhance development and children are able to discover the flora and fauna of outdoors.