Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.


We place a great emphasis on good habits of attendance and punctuality at Banks Road right from the start. We believe this is vital in helping our children to establish important life skills.

Failing to attend school regularly means falling behind in learning and creates a culture of dissent. Children who miss school lose out on important factors of school social life, which can affect their ability to have friendships.

Children make the best progress at school through regular and punctual attendance. Absence or arriving late can mean your child misses important teaching and learning and can result in them feeling unsettled. If your child is absent please contact the school by telephone on the first day of their absence. Please let the school office know in advance if your child has a medical or dental appointment.


Please be punctual. Classroom doors open at 8.45 and school starts at 8.50 when we expect all children to be at school.

Holidays in Term Time

Permission for family holidays in term time can only be granted in exceptional circumstances. 


When parent(s)/carer(s) wish to request a holiday under exceptional circumstances, an ‘Absence Request’ form must be completed and returned to the school office.  If the head teacher refuses a request for term time leave and the child is still taken out of school this will be recorded on a child’s attendance as ‘Unauthorised absence’ and parents may be issued with a penalty notice. 


Following the latest statutory guidance by the DfE the following conditions will now apply when making a decision about pupil absence authorisation.

Authorised absences may include the following circumstances:-


1.  Celebration of a religious festival such as Diwali or Eid

2.  Medical appointment that cannot be arranged out of school hours

3.  Educational examinations such as piano or gymnastics

4.  If the parent is a member of the armed services and is on annual leave

5.  Attending a close family funeral – 1 day absence

6.  Attending a close family wedding – 1 day absence

7.  Other exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the head teacher

The school will request written evidence for any of the above absences. 


If parent(s)/carer(s) choose to take pupils out of school during term time the following may apply:-

  1. A penalty notice of £60 per parent may be issued for any unauthorised absence if the child’s attendance is causing significant concern and not improving despite every effort between the school and home. 
  2. If the penalty is not paid in the first 28 days then the figure will be increased to £120 per parent to be paid by the following 7 days. 
If the penalty still remains unpaid then the parents will be liable for prosecution under the regulations set out by the DfE

Please take the time to carefully read our Attendance Policy, Parent Information Leaflet and attached letter regarding Term Time Absence.