Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.

After School Club

Banks Road After School Club offers a safe, caring place for children to come to after school hours. This enables their parents/guardians to work, study or just have time to themselves. The children are collected at the end of the school day from their classrooms. Any child who is currently at Banks Road can make an application to attend.
The club is open during term time from 3.15p.m - 6.00p.m and costs £13.50 per session. 
Furniture, equipment and toys are provided for a range of activities. These include art, indoor and outdoor games, board games and puzzles, music and drama, reading and storytelling, imaginative play and quiet time such as television. The age of our children is considered so that activities are appropriate.

We can offer a range of activities to promote child development through play. There is a balance of indoor and outdoor activities, weather permitting. We have the use of the outdoor areas which are more suited to games, drama and musical activities. Children are provided with adequate food and drink, prepared on the premises by staff. Snacks will be healthy and nutritious and we will encourage a “family” type atmosphere. All food and drink will comply with dietary and religious requirements and with the school’s status as a “Healthy School”. Parents will submit an information form outlining religious requirements and allergies. Fresh drinking water is available to children at all times.

If you would like your child to attend, you must complete the booking form. You will then be sent an application pack which must be completed prior to your child attending. All bookings must be paid in advance on a termly basis. There are limited spaces and so we allocate spaces on a first come first serve basis.