Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.

Continuing the learning journey

As part of the Infant School, our Nursery has the advantage of being involved in a wider learning community, with increased opportunities for curriculum enrichment.

The links with the Foundation Stage 2 (Reception) classes in school promote a smooth and stress free transition to statutory schooling. Through carefully planned interaction and appropriate shared experiences, such as 'mix-up days' and 'story swaps', the children know their teachers, their peers and are familiar with the learning environment. Routines across the Foundation Stage are similar, thus promoting a confident transition for every child.

As learning experiences are also planned jointly across the Foundation Stage by both FS1 and FS2 staff, children's learning is continuous and progress is consistent. Assessment based on shared understanding ensures that every child receives good learning experiences, whatever their ability and talents.

Through the range of well-balanced play-based activities we offer, children acquire a love of learning and the skills necessay for future learning to be successful.