Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.


History Curriculum Intent

At Banks Road the intent of our History curriculum is to foster curiosity and excitement in finding out about the past.  We believe by creating awe and wonder through drama, role play, and engaging experiences children will develop understanding about significant events across national and global history.  We look at lives of key historical figures, significant events, and places, and key events in their lifetimes.  We want children to understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used to make historical claims.

History Curriculum Implementation 

In our History curriculum we use role play, drama techniques and interesting artefacts to excite and engage our children at the start of our projects.  We use different methods of historical enquiry to find out about the past and how this evidence is used.  We encourage children to ask and answer questions for themselves and consider what facts are relevant or significant to an event/person. When significant events happen within our current History we adapt our planning and create real life experiences eg making houses to show how the Great Fire of London spread so quickly.


History Curriculum Impact

Children will have a love of History and finding out about the past and how it impacts us today.  They will know that we learn from Historical events and Historical figures.  They will understand we use these events and people to know what life was like in the past.

Children will have an understanding of their own personal history and the history of our school.

Children will be able to look at source materials and begin to ask their own questions. They will be able to think critically and come up with narratives that match the evidence they have used. The source materials they have looked at will ensure that they learnt relevant facts about the project they are studying.