Assessment is a vital part of the learning and teaching process; the main purpose being to help teachers, parents and children plan their next steps in learning. We assess in many different ways - talking to children about their learning, looking at work, and observing the way in which children learn.
We assess children against learning objectives and success criteria, which clearly demonstrate what a child is expected to learn, know and be able to do. Children will be made aware of the success criteria in each lesson, enabling them to see what their learning should 'look like'.
Assessment criteria are derived from the National Curriculum 2014 and the Early Years Development Matters
The achievement of each child is assessed formally against the relevant criteria for a subject twice across the year and at the beginning of the year as a baseline assessment
Formative assessment is continual and evidence collected using observations and records of work
Assessment judgements are moderated by colleagues at our school and in other schools to make sure our assessments are reliable, valid and consistent
Assessment for Learning is continual, along with observation and marking
Marking (teacher, peer and self) enables strengths and next steps to be identified and time is given for children to reflect on their work
Statutory Assessment of EYFS:
Children in EYFS are assessed against the Foundation Stage Profile and the 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG). At the end of the year, children are reported as to whether they are ‘emerging’ or ‘expected’ for each of the ELG. It is also determined whether they have reached a ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD): This is when a child reaches the ELG in the three Prime areas (Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development), and two of the Specific areas (Literacy and Mathematics).
Statutory Assessment at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2):
Year 2 children are assessed against the end of key stage performance descriptors for the 2014 National Curriculum. Children in Year 2 will sit SATs test papers and tasks which will be used to inform teacher assessment.
Statutory Phonics Screening Check:
In June, all children in Year 1 sit a phonics screening check. Children who do not achieve the required threshold at the end of Year 1 repeat the check at the end of Year 2.
Assessment in Key Stage 1:
Children in Key Stage 1 are assessed against the 2014 National Curriculum for Reading, Writing and Mathematics. For each year group there is a set of Age Related Expectations (AREs). In order to make a judgement on the number of AREs met each term, we use a range of evidence – work in books, mini assessments, tests, observations, annotated planning.
Reporting to Parents:
In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, an annual report will be written in the Summer term.
All children in Nursery and School will have parent consultations in the Autumn and Spring terms.