Keeping safe online
We aim to safeguard and teach children how to keep themselves safe so that they are prevented from being exploited, free from extremism, grooming and radicalisation. We shall do this by teaching skills, through our values and philosophy of work and appropriate training from staff. We aim to teach children how to use technology responsibly and safely and prevent them from either becoming victims or perpetrators of online abuse. We aim to ensure that all members of the school community recognise and fulfil their shared commitment to E-Safety.
Guidance for parents and carers
We aim to provide information and awareness to parents and carers through:
- The learners – who are encouraged to share E-safety information to parents with what they have learned in lessons.
- Regular communication through newsletters, the website and Class Dojo.
- Reference to relevant websites.
Please inform the school if you have any concerns over your child’s E-safety.