Nursery September 2025 Open Morning. Saturday 1st March 10am - 12noon. Go to the Thinking of Applying page for more details.

Joint Collaboration Committee

The Joint Collaboration Committee has members from both Banks Road and William Lilley Governing Boards. 

The Remit for the Joint Collaboration Committee is:

  • To decide whether to collaborate or form joint committee with other schools
  •  To consider requests from other schools to join the collaboration
  •  To leave the collaboration - GB + JCC
  •  To consider the alteration, discontinuation or change of category of maintained schools – all GB’s + JCC
  •  In relation to the operation of the collaboration, to determine and review any temporary staff allowances in line with the schools pay policy
  •  To agree the regularity of and schedule of meeting dates for the JCC
  •  To agree a communication strategy between the JCC, both governing bodies and the stakeholder groups (pupils/parent/staff/LA etc.)
  •  To undertake a half termly review of progress against the Aims and Purpose/agreed success criteria of the collaboration
  •  To issue press statements – Executive head and/or chair of JCC/chair of individual GB’s (depending on subject of press statement)